Lean Recruiting

Precise. Respectful. Efficient.

Thorough process → better prospects

Automated system → quicker results

Leaner format → lower costs

Lean Recruiting For finding the right people


This is a sophisticated set of tools that:

  • Are software/web based and can automate your efforts in filling your positions with the right people, taking a candidate-centered approach to enhance your employer brand and build solid relationships from the initial contact
  • Evaluate the potential for success in each position you are trying to fill–a unique approach in the talent recruiting industry–real data from the initial contact all the way through the guided interview process
  • Have been successfully used as a reliable recruiting roadmap across a wide range of industries–for over 20 years–in Europe and South America

What is our Lean Recruiting process?

How does it compare to "legacy recruiting?"
How does it work and what can it do for your organization?
The video below will answer those questions for you. Dr. Jacobson will take you through the essential features, so turn on your sound and spend a few minutes learning about this very special process.

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Reinforcement Request

To Attract the best candidates: Make it real. Make it personal.

Rather than producing the same old tired job ads, we’ve updated the process to a format that is much more inviting and successful in attracting applicants. We call it a Reinforcement Request. It’s a "personal" letter, showing the potential applicant where they might be able to work, who they might be working with and what they will be doing. Real place, real people, real products. Personally signed. Attractive. Inviting. Effective.

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Basic Requirements & Success Factors

Find out who is qualified: Quickly. Respectfully. Then, find out who has potential for success.

This is a customized questionnaire based on the specific basic requirements for the job. This allows for these requirements to be addressed, and for deeper levels of information to be gathered when appropriate. It filters and determines which candidates are qualified based on real information and usually eliminates about 50% of unqualified candidates immediately. Candidates who meet these qualifications then go through a more extensive questionnaire to determine their potential to be successful in that job.

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Ranking Results

One look determines the candidates with highest potential: Ranked. Accurate. Real.

One click provides detailed information about:
1. Classification: candidates are ranked green, yellow or red.
2. The success potential: a letter grade.
3. The distance from reality and response times: a measure of how reliably the candidate answered the questions in the tool.
4. Desired salary: what the candidate expects compared to the offer.
5. The CV (resume): available to view with a click.
6. The status of the process: how complete the application is and what is still needed.
With a click you can request further information, or set up a call or appointment with the candidate.

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Customized Interview Guide

Targeted interviewing: Topics and questions for discussions keyed directly to each candidates performance on the questionnaires.

For each candidate you invite to an interview, you will have a guide aimed at that person, complete with all their scores on each measure and specific topics for discussion, based on any scores lower than expected. You’ll have a guide to each discussion, with a summary of the topic and questions to probe for further information, respectfully and naturally. Take the guesswork out of interviewing!

Further Steps in getting Successful Sales Professionals

Once an applicant is chosen and offered the job, we provide specific steps for onboarding in a smooth and welcoming way. And, we have additional tools for helping to determine development plans for each new employee, as well as existing employees.